Eurojuris Magazine


It’s back ….. the fun starts as national stands open Madrid Congress

Memories of earlier cultural exchanges when Brussels hosted the Eurojuris International Congress

At next month’s Eurojuris International congress in Madrid, lawyers from around the globe will be sharing not only their professional knowledge, but also showing off the best their country has to offer, in hope of scooping themselves an award in the process.  

A regular feature at the annual congress, attendees are encouraged to showcase the best of their country’s produce to other delegates during an evening reception.  This year, it will take place on the opening night, Thursday 13th October, and national associations are working on their pitch in readiness.

And for some it may mean navigating some unexpected travel arrangements: previous entries have included a whole pig from Germany for a traditional hog roast.  Others focus on their own styling, with the Belgian entrants renowned for their dapper costumes. 

Explained president Olivier Vibert:  “It’s a fun element but with a serious intent.  Encouraging members to break the ice in this way helps us to kick off the most important aspect of Congress, which is getting everyone talking and sharing our cultural experiences to better understand each other.  This style of communication and knowledge spills over to enhance our professional relationships.”

One previous winner is LawNet, representing the UK & Ireland, putting on a display of specialist gins, complete with tasting notes and carefully selected menu of tonics to complement the unique flavours from each of the distilleries showcased. 

Explained LawNet chief executive Chris Marston, “We’re fortunate to have excellent relationships with our European counterparts through Eurojuris International, so all our member firms have a strong foundation for co-operative working.  And the spirit of sharing was certainly evident during our evening tasting session at the Brussels congress, with the best of English gin helping to lubricate the conversation.” 

  • Like to share your ideas for 2022 or recall previous successes for your national stand ?  Speak up on social media and don’t forget to use the hashtag #EurojurisInternational

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