Of all Eurojuris Practice Groups, PG Litigation seems to stand out. With its tight network, dynamic members and prolific publications, this PG is an exemple of professionalism and proactivity.
We interviewed former Eurojuris President and PG Litigation Chairman Thierry Clerc and asked him what is the secret behind the success of the group he has been leading for the past few years.
“First of all, you should practice what you preach. As a Chairman, I believe you need to show the way, work hard and deliver quality if I want others to do so. This means planning events way ahead, fulfil your obligations with professionalism and remain open new ideas and suggestions regardless of your own personal opinions”. He adds : “It is also very important to address criticism positively and humbly by leaning towards continuous improvement, there’s always a way to do things better”.
Thierry Clerc insists on the importance of collaboration and team work as well. “Most of our publications are co-signed by several authors, this adds value and shows our commitment to excellence. If we feel short handed, we never hesitate to consult other subject matter experts and renowned academics to widen our scope”.
You always have interesting guest speakers at your events, how do you find them ?
“Practice groups are in essence continuous education and learning opportunities to our members. Proving them with quality sessions that widen their views and increases their learning curve is essential. We always try and find subject matter experts who have clear insights and knowledge in our field of work. It is far from being an easy task, sometimes, timing is difficult and finding availabilities is tough but this is when the added value of having a successful network comes into place. Everyone is happy to help finding a speaker with great assets through their own acquaintances and business partners.”
Have you ever attended other PGs at a Eurojuris congress ?
“Yes, I attended a few sessions of Corporate Group PG. I believe that in order to write good contracts, one needs to have a good knowledge of both litigation and arbitration. Litigation before state courts v/ arbitration will actually be the topic of one of our future work shop and it is a common matter of interest with the Corporate Group.”
You are therefore encouraging mixed sessions with other PGs ?
“Definitely. Everyone is comfortable in his/her own cluster and we don’t know much of what’s going on else where. This is why we came up with a great idea this year. We have prepared leaflets that we will distribute to all our colleagues in Marseille, presenting our work and our group members. I believe it is the right things to do. Our members are our clients. There are many business opportunities we could secure by advertising our skills and know how”.
Le mot de la fin ?
I’m really looking forward to our event in Marseille, Eurojuris congresses are always a great opportunity to meet and greet in a pleasant atmosphere.